Different perfumes are made for different skin tones. Some scents work well with some people, while to others, it doesn’t. Some people produce different body smells that may work or not work well with a specific type of perfume. Also, gender acts as a factor when considering the kind of chemistry you have with your perfume. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to choose a perfume that suits your body because, in this article, we tell you the secrets of choosing the perfect perfume for your body chemistry.

  • Choosing a Perfume

When choosing a perfume requires some thought research. For example, you need to know the difference between cologne and perfume, like Tattoo perfume and cologne. Using the try and error method, you can know which perfume works best for you. Perfume can smell good when your friend wears it but can be terrible when you wear it. Concerning this, you must understand your skin. This will ease the search for a perfume that suits you. Dry skin makes perfume evaporate faster than moisturized skin. You should choose highly concentrated perfumes if your skin is dry. Another essential feature is the PH of your skin. For a normal average person, the ph ranges around 5.5. Those with a PH above 5,5 mostly get eczema, with the ones below can suffer acne. This is crucial to ensure that it will not affect your skin when picking a perfume.

  • Impact of Perfume Notes on Your Body Chemistry

Another essential aspect that you need to consider is the notes which make the perfume. This largely can dictate how long the fragrance will last. For a perfume to be complete three-note layers are involved. The high note, the middle note, and the low notes. The high notes evaporate the first minute after spraying, followed by the center notes that last for a longer time, and lastly, the base notes. Knowing the right notes that match your body can be challenging, but you will get the perfect notes with some try and error. It’s vital that you consider your body type and what works well for you.

  • Moisture Effect on Perfume

Moisture plays a significant role when it comes to perfume. People with dry skin have the disadvantage of the fragrance as it will evaporate quickly. You should constantly moisturize your skin before wearing the perfume to increase longevity of the perfume. However, you ought to be cautious to avoid over-moisturizing as this will reduce the scent of the perfume. For those with dry skin, you can consider using antiperspirants.

  • Body Temperature

The body temperature also dictates what kind of perfume you can use. If you have a warmer body, the perfume concentration will be high as the absorption and diffusion increase.


Perfume plays an essential role in our lives by making us feel comfortable and fresh. Even those who sweat profusely have an advantage of handling this by using perfume. Using the above tips, you can find the perfect perfume that suits you. After finding your ideal perfume look for life hacks to make it last longer.

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